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【摘要】    目的 观察降脂化纤胶囊对慢性乙型肝炎肝纤维化的治疗作用。方法 将185例慢性乙型肝炎肝纤维化患者随机分为2组。对照组91例常规应用护肝药治疗,治疗组94例在对照组治疗基础上加降脂化纤胶囊, 每次5粒,每日3次。2组均30日1个疗程,治疗3个疗程。观察临床疗效及治疗前后B超、肝功能及肝纤维化指标变化情况。结果 2组患者治疗后B超显示肝脏回声、大小以及肝功能、肝纤维化指标均较治疗前明显改善(P<0.05),治疗组优于对照组(P<0.05);治疗组总有效率93.62%,对照组总有效率80.22%,2组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),治疗组优于对照组。结论 降脂化纤胶囊能明显改善肝功能及肝纤维化各项指标,治疗慢性乙型肝炎肝纤维化疗效确切。

【关键词】  肝炎 乙型 慢性 肝硬化 中药疗法 胶囊

  Effect of Jiangzhihuaxian capsule on hepatic fibrosis of chronic type B hepatitis

  LING Liying, LI Yanfei, ZHAO Aimin.
  Manufacturing Laboratory, Qian’an Hospital of TCM, Hebei, Qian’an 064400
  【Abstract】  Objective  To elucidate the effect of Jiangzhihuaxian capsule on hepatic fibrosis of chronic type B hepatitis. Methods  185 patients with chronic type B hepatitis of hepatic fibrosis were randomly divided into two groups. 91 cases in control group were treated by routine hepatinica. 94 patients in treatment group were treated by Jiangzhihuaxian, 5 pills, thrice a day plus routine hepatinica. The therapeutic course was 30 days in two groups. All patients were treated in three courses. Status of B-ultrasonography, liver function and indexes of hepatic fibrosis were observed before and after treatment. Results  Improvement of liver reverberation and size of B-ultrasonography, liver function and indexes of hepatic fibrosis in treatment group were superior to those in control group (P<0.05). The total effective rate in treatment group (93.62%) was higher than that in control group (80.22%, P<0.05). Conclusion  Jiangzhihuaxian capsule can obviously improve liver function and indexes of hepatic fibrosis. It has definite effect on hepatic fibrosis of chronic type B hepatitis.
  【Key words】  Hepatitis;Type B; Chronic; Cirrhosis; Treatment of Chinese herbs; Capsule


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