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汪红 吴锡桂 陈百玲 张啸飞
谢宝元 郝凤霞 顾东风

  【摘要】 目的 探讨心脑血管病社区综合性干预对人群心电图的影响。评价干预效果。方法 1991~1992年, 对北京郊区35~74岁农民1 833人做有关心脑血管病危险因素调查,三年干预后对2 710人进行复查。采用WHO推荐使用的静息心电图明尼苏达编码方法,将两次心电图结果进行对比分析。结果 主要异常码和次要异常码的发生率在干预区由基线时的14.88%和31.28%,分别降至复查时的12.59%和30.76%;在对照区由基线时的9.97%和27.44%,分别升至复查时的11.51%和35.17%(P<0.001)。经过干预后,女性编码率的降低幅度大于男性,尤以4-.5-码为显著由12.2%和22.3%分别降至7.2%(P<0.01)和18.6%,而在对照区4-.5-码由基线时的5.8%和10.7%分别升至复查时的8.7%(P<0.05)和17.3%(P<0.001)。结论 心脑血管病人群干预是有效的,女性较男性显著。
  【关键词】 高血压  心电描记术  明尼苏达编码

Comparison of the rest-ECG Minnesota codings between pre-and post-intervention in the population of farmers in a Beijing suburb Fangshan  Wang Hong, Wu Xigui, Chen Bailing, et al. Cardiovascular Institute and Fu Wai Hospital. CAMS and PUMC, Beijing 100037
  【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the effects of intervention on the ECG Minnesota coding in the population of Fangshan (one of Beijing suburbs) farmers. Methods The investigation of cardio-and cerebrovascular disease risk factors were performed in 1 833 farmers with age 35-74 years in 1991-1992. After three-year intervention, 2 710 people were researched again. The WHO-recommended rest-ECG Minnesota coding rates were compared before and after three-year intervention in this study. Results In the intervention group, the major and minor abnormality codes were 14.88% and 31.28% at baseline, and reduced to 12.59% and 30.76% after 3-year intervention respectively. In the control group, the major and minor abnormality codes were increased from 9.97% and 27.44% at baseline to 11.51% and 35.17% after 3-year non-intervention respectively (P<0.001). After 3-year intervention, the abnormal code rate decreased more in female than in male which especially decreased in Minnesota 4-code (ST abnormalities) from 12.2% to 7.2% (P<0.01), and in 5-code (T wave changes) from 22.3% to 18.6%. In control group, abnormal code rate in 4-code increased from 5.8% to 8.7% (P<0.05

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