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出生季节 身高 性别与体重4个变量关系的同质分析试用结果

刘少娟 王丽明 潘宝骏 陈征

  摘要: [目的] 研究正常分娩新生儿4个变量(身高、体重、性别、季节)不同类别间的同质关系,并以2维或3维几何图形表达。[方法] 从福州地区一家大型综合性医院14年的出生登记12 755例资料中,选择正常分娩者8 463例数据,以SPSS 8.0 for Windows 进行同质分析(homogeneity analysis, HOMALS)与绘图。[结果] ①一般2维列联表常难以表达上述变量间的本质关系;②春天出生者倾向于偏高、偏重;秋天出生者倾向于偏矮偏轻;③春天、生男且偏高偏重,常为同质关系;秋天、生女且偏矮偏轻,亦常为同质关系。[结论] 同质分析可用于分析3个和更多个变量间的同质关系,并可用2维或3维几何图形表达。而一般的列联表(R×C表)和对应分析难以实现。
  关键词: 出生身高; 出生体重; 出生性别; 同质分析(HOMALS)
  中图分类法: R 195.2    文献标志码: A

Study on Birth Seasons, Weight, Height and Sex by Homogeneity Analysis

LIU Shaojuan WANG Liming PAN Baojun CHEN Zheng
(Fujian Centers for Disease Control, Fuzhou, Fujian 350001, China)

  Abstract: [Objective] To Analyze the relationship of four variables(birth seasons , weight, height and sex) by geometrical plot with two/three axes(dimensions). [Methods] The data of 8463 babies normally delivered from a comprehensive hospital in Fuzhou were collected and analyzed by homogeneityanalysis (HOMALS) in SPSS 8.0 for Windows. [Results] (1) The Chi-square test of general contingency table sometimes may be difficult for analyzing the relationshipof variables between rows and columns; (2) The baby delivered at spring tends tobe male, higher body in height and heavier body in weight; On contrary, at autumn,female , lower and lighter. [Conclusions] The HOMALS can examine the relationshipamong 3 nominal variables or more graphically in a plot with two/three axes(dimensions); But the Chi-square test of R × C cross-tabulation and the correspondence analysis (ANACOR) may be difficult to do so.
  Key words: birth height; birth weight; birth sex; homogeneity analysis (HOMALS)

  一般的列联表(R×C表)χ2检验,有时难以表达行列2维变量间的本质关系,当行、列变量多时更是如此。对应分析(Correspondence Analysis,ANACOR)可分析2维表行、列变量间的关系,且可用2维坐标图表达[1]。当变量≥3个时,就需采用同质分析(Homogeneity Analysis,Multiple Correspondence Analysis, HOMALS)来解决[2]。作者曾报道过对应分析结果[3]。本文报道出生季节、身高、性别与体

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