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裴速建1 叶建君1 程 峰1 徐博钊1 江 明2
刘水清3 陆业新3 张绍清1 RH Webber4

  摘要 以中华按蚊为唯一媒介的低疟区疟疾发病率已降到很低水平,疟疾流行病学特征也发生了相应变化,显示出输入病例增多,疫点高度分散的发病新特点。95.38%的病例系在临床诊断为疟疾和疑似疟疾的二热病人血检中查到。因此在低疟区继续沿用现行的疟疾监测方法,即对所有发热病人血检已不合时宜,应将重点放在血检二热病人上,以提高血检效率,采用这种简化的疟疾监测措施,可以巩固疟防成果,节省大量的人力和经费。
  关键词 疟疾 流行特点 监测方法

Study on the Epidemiological Characteristics and Strategy of Surveillance in Low Endemic Areas of Malaria in Hubei Pei Sujian*,Ye Jianjun,Cheng Feng,et al.*InstituteofParasiticDiseases,Hubei Academy of Medical Sciences,Wuhan 430079
  Abstract Due to good programs on case finding and control,malaria has decreased to a low level in China. Hence,the existing surveillance program of undertaking blood smear from cases with fever finds very few positives in the millions of examinees. Previously, all blood slides were collected from clinically diagnosed cases of malaria (group 1),suspected malaria cases (group 2),fever of unknown reasons (group 3) or common cold (group 4) in low or moderate malaria endemic areas in Hubei Province. In low prevalence areas, the positive rates on slides were 0.6/10 000 and 0.1/10 000 in group 3 and group 4 while 95.38% of the confirmed malaria cases were from those having clinical malaria or suspected malaria. It is suggested that group 3 and group 4 be dropped from low prevalence areas to encourage greater efficiency in case detection in the clinical and the suspected malaria groups.
  Key words Malaria Epidemiological characteristics Surveillance method
  90年代以来湖北省的疟疾发病人数逐年减少,以中华按蚊为唯一媒介的大部分地区,疟疾发病率已控制在1/10 000以下,在这类地区继续执行现行疟疾监测方法,即血检四热病人,其阳性率非常低,已不适应当前的疟防工作形势,简化措施,势在必行。为了探索这类地区的疟疾流行特点,研究新的监测方法,为疟疾防治与监测提供依据,1995~1996年在湖北省仙桃市、江陵县进行本课题研究。


  一、实验区选择:选择江汉平原以中华按蚊为唯一媒介,仅流行间日疟的仙桃市和江陵县(35个乡镇)为实验区,两县疟疾发病率已连续2年在1/10 000以下,基层卫生组织较健全,已普遍开展发热病人血检工作。

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