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许成岩 苏启昌

摘要:为观察T药铜宫内节 育器(TmIU D)的临床效果及副反应,采取随机放置方法,分别放置TmIUD280例、TCu22 0CIUD276例,并 随访60个月。结果显示置器后60月末,TmIUD及TCu220C IUD的累积续 用率分别为94.66/每百妇女及85.24/每百妇女(P<0.01),因症取出率 分别为0.53/每百妇女及5.8/每百妇女(P<0.01 ),自置器后3~36 个月,TmIUD各种副反应发生率均低于TCu220CIUD。提示TmIUD是一种 续用率高、副反应少、避孕效果好的宫内节育器。
关键词:T药铜宫内节育器 TCu220CIUD 续用率 副反应发生率
中图分类号:R169.41   文献标识码:A

Abstract:To evaluate the continuation rate and side-effect rate of T-medicated IUD(Tm IUD)at the end of 60 months after insertion.A randomized comparative clinical study was conducted with 280 cases Tm IUD and 276 cases TCu220C IUD as comparison,and following up for 60 months.Results showed 60 months after insertion,the continuation rates of Tm IUD and TCu220C IUD were 94.66/100 women and 85.24/100 women respectively (P<0.01).The rates of removal due to medical reasons were 0.53/100 women and 5.8/100 women respectively(P<0.01).From 3 months to 36 months after insertion,the occurrence rates of side-effects of Tm IUD were much lower than those of TCu220C IUD (P<0.05).This suggests the clinical contraceptive effects of Tm IUD are much better than that of TCu220C IUD.Tm IUD possesses the advantages of high continuation rate and less side-effects.Tm IUD is a kind of high quality IUD.
Key words:Tm IUD TCu220C IUD Continuation rate Side-effect rate

1 资料与方法
  受试者共556例,月经正常,宫颈涂片1~2级,血红蛋白95g/L以上,均为已产健康妇女,夫妻常居,并排除置IUD禁忌症。 将556例随机分两组,Tm组280例,平均年龄28.6±3.42岁,平均孕次1. 83±0.74次,平均产次1.00±0.12次;TCu组276例,平均年龄 28.4±3.26,平均孕次1.79±0.72次,平均产次1.02±0.20次。
  TmIUD系以30丝不锈钢丝卷成T型骨架,横臂长28mm,纵臂长30mm,直径 2mm。横臂左右和纵臂上部各嵌入2个纯铜丝卷,总体表面积为200mm2。纵臂下 部嵌入一长21mm、直径1.2mm硅橡胶消炎痛棒,含消炎痛20mg;T型不锈钢含 铜IUD由山东烟台医疗器械厂制作,放置器为一长20cm、直径4mm塑料管,IUD 纵臂插入塑料管一端;IUD和放置器外加塑料代包

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