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二乙胺控制性降压对氧供 氧耗及血乳酸浓度的影响

崔涌 聂宏光 王俊科 盛卓人 宋冰冰 孙新艳

摘要 目的:观察一氧化氮(NO)载体药物二乙胺(DEA)控制性降压时对机体氧供、氧耗及乳酸浓度的影响。方法:健康杂种犬12只随机分为两组,分别静滴0.001%DEA或0.01%SNP,进行控制性降压,使平均动脉压(MAP)降低40%并维持30分钟。降压期间监测MAP、心率、心输出量,及动脉血气、混合静脉血血气、动脉血乳酸值。结果:控制性降压期间,两组间血流动力学变化无显著性差异(P>0.05)。氧供、氧耗及氧摄取率在降压时均无明显改变,两组间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。动脉血乳酸值在降压期间,两组均无明显升高(P>0.05)。结论:本实验证明DEA降压在充分供氧,MAP降低40%的前提下,不影响组织的氧代谢。
关键词 二乙胺类 硝普钠 氧供 氧耗 氧摄取率

Influence of induced hypotension with diethylamine on oxygen delivery, oxygen consumption and the blood concentration of lactate Cui Yong,Nie Hongguang,Wang Junke,et al.Department of Anesthesiology,First Affilated Hospital,China Medical University,Shenyang 110001
Abstract Objective:To observe influence of hypotension induced with diethylamine(DEA)on oxygen delivery(DO2),oxygen consumption(VO2)and the concentration of lactate.Method:Twelve healthy adult dogs were randomly assigned into one of the two groups.0.001% DEA or 0.01% sodium nitroprusside (SNP) was infused to induce mean arterial pressure(MAP) to decrease to 60% of baseline and maintaine for 30 min.During hypotension,MAP and HR were recorded.Arterial and mixed venous blood gas,and blood lactate level were measured.Result:There were no significant changes in DO2,VO2,oxygen extraction ratio and blood lactate level in both groups.The concentration of lactate was not increased in either group.Conclusion.The oxygen metabolism may not be affected during DEA-induced hypotention
Key words Diethylamine Nitroprusside Oxygen consumption Hypotension,controlled



  实验方法 健康杂种犬12只,雌雄兼有,体重8~13kg,戊巴比妥钠30mg/kg肌肉注射麻醉,气管内插管控制呼吸,右股动脉置管测平均动脉压(MAP),开放双侧股静脉输液,经右颈外静脉置5F Swan-Ganz导管达肺动脉,用热度稀释法测量心输出量(CO)。连接心电图机监测心率(HR)。实验操作完成后1小时为基础状态。动物随机分为两组,分别静脉滴注0.01% SNP或0.001% DEA使MAP降至基础值的60%,维持30分钟后停用药物。分别于降压前,降压达预期值后10分钟、30分钟,及停药后10分钟,测量并记录MAP、HR、和CO,并同步采集动脉血样和混合静脉血进行血气分析和测定动

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